Team Serves as Volunteers for Fundraising Event Near of Dallas

On Friday, PPC Rainmakers closed the office for a community service day when we served as volunteers at “Clays for the Corps,” a fundraising event for the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation. The foundation raises money to fund scholarships that assist the children of Marines and Navy Corpsmen attend College or University. Alex and Paige have supported this event for several years and this year managed the marketing of the event that brought in more attendees and sponsors than ever.
On the day, our duties included staffing several shooting stations, such as the one shown here.
And delivering bottles of water both to staff and to the shooters on a hot August day.
Often described as “golf with a shotgun,” sporting clay shooting follows a course over natural country terrain. Safety is maintained by having participants only shoot from shooting stations, while the clay pigeons are fired by automated clay throwers.

After the shooting portion of the day, lunch was served in a covered pavilion during which time we listened to
a number of invited speakers. One of the speakers was SSgt John P. Jones, USMC (Ret.), who was severely wounded in Iraq in 2004, yet went on to complete 12 years of service for our Nation. He now gives much of his free time to supporting the work of the Foundation.
This was a very rewarding day for us, and we intend to be back next year to support this worthy cause again.