
Give us just 90 days and you will see results or your money back.

Why do we have a guarantee? As Experts in Google Ads, Bing Ads, Google Analytics and search engine marketing, we believe that if you outsource ppc advertising, you should expect real, measurable results. When you match a good business with good digital marketing, it should get results within the first week. That’s the power of PPC advertising.

We do get results and we can do it quickly! And we go so far as to back it up with our money-back guarantee.

In digital marketing, we measure business results such as sales and leads as conversions in Google Analytics. Conversions are the desired goals or actions you want your visitors to take: I.E. registration sign-ups, completed e-commerce checkouts, inbound customer leads and inbound phone calls from new prospects. PPC advertising is a pay for performance model of direct response marketing. Meaning, we pay per click and optimize to get the expected results from qualified customers who are going to buy from your business. PPC is like a light switch, after you flip the campaigns on, we expect immediate results. If not, there is something wrong!

We expect you will show up on top and we expect the clicks will turn into profitable customers and the initial metrics within 7 days of launching the campaigns will tell us.

And “we eat our own dog food.” The exact way we will grow your business is the same way that we have been growing our business and the other businesses our principals are vested in.

Call for a demo, we promise you will see precise, measurable, and profitable methodology!

Your results are 100% trackable + verifiable through Your Google Analytics Account

When we begin working with you, we will first review your Google Analytics integration and ensure that it is properly tracking with goal funnels, conversion tracking and reporting when a customer action results in your brand making a sale.

As long as analytics is installed, tracking correctly and the data is reconcilable – we are able to guarantee results. How, call to see our optimization process.

Next Steps…

If you have more questions, would like a proposal or if for any reason you would like to speak with our founder, call and ask for me by name.

Alex Fender
Founder – President